Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. Taking place in the 16th century, revisit the events of the original SOULCALIBUR to uncover hidden truths.

Online activity subject to Terms of Services and User Agreement (One time license fee entitles play on up to 2 PlayStation® 3 systems activated by this account.SOULCALIBUR®V & © 2012 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.© 2012 Ubisoft Entertainment. SOULCALIBUR VI represents the latest entry in the premier weapons-based, head-to-head ghting series, and continues the epic struggle of warriors searching for the legendary Soul Swords. Challenge the computer AI, compete against your friends, or challenge fighters from around the world with massive online features.For the complete instructional manual, please select “Downloads and Manuals” from players8MB minimum save sizeHDTV screen resolution: 720pDUALSHOCK®3Network FeaturesNetwork Players 2-2 Software subject to license (us./softwarelicense). SoulCalibur has never looked more dynamic or dramatic, intensified with eye-popping graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4. I was just expecting a cheesy little booklet to come with the game case. I had the extra money and decided to buy it. Create your personalized fighter with the most robust character creation tool ever in the SOULCALIBUR series. So I got the Soulcalibur V collectors edition. Choose from a roster of over two dozen new and returning characters, each with his or her own deadly weapons, fighting styles and visual flare, including the master assassin – Ezio Auditore, from the critically acclaimed Assassin’s Creed® series. SOULCALIBUR V brings the best in battles, movement, and visual effects so players can pull off cool, dynamic attacks with ease and battle with complete freedom. Two Swords, Two Generations, One Destiny!The latest entry in the premier weapons-based head-to-head fighting series continues with the epic struggle of warriors in search for the legendary Soul Swords.