9S is not the only YoRHa Scanner model seen in game, although they seem to be in the minority of YoRHa androids.This can result wide but slow attacks and occasional misses on smaller enemies. 9S does not hold his weapons but chooses to move them by levitation.Though ironically, 9S might easily outdamage A2 and 2B due to his targets being subjugated or detonated after a successful hack. Unlike A2 and 2B, 9S is limited in close combat due to his Hacking ability.is unlocked by playing 1 hour as 9S without his pants. Like 2B and A2, part of 9S's clothing will be destroyed after you initiate self-destruct (mostly his pants).Instead of a pat on the head, 9S will do a fist bump with Pod 153 if you rub the touch pad.YoRHa 9S Lore & Trivia Notes NieR Automata (Taken from the Official Nier Automata World Guide). His three sizes are B:61cm W: 53cm H:73 cm. Height: 160 cm (with boots), Weight: 129.9 kg.

Hack into different types of enemies to gain access to their bodies in the arena.

The S-type model specializes in scanning and investigative purposes.

Member of YoRHa - the automated infantry squad.YoRHa 9S General Information NieR Automata This means that his main special abilities are not focused on classic combat, but has other special features and abilities that interact with enemies in various ways to defeat them rather than the basic melee attack. Like 2B, he is a member or YoRHa, but is an S-type Model that specializes in scanning and investigative purposes.

As players progress through the game, he becomes the main protagonist if Route B where the game will then switch characters. YoRHa No.9 Type S (9S) is a Playable Characterin NieR: Automata. YoRHa No.9 Type S is also known as 9s and is first introduced fighting along side YoRHa 2B.