Metacritic gave it a positive score of 83/100. PCWorld gave the game 4 out of 5 stars, saying it was similar to Myst of old with excellent gameplay. There are dozens of puzzles to solve opening approximately fifty locked doors all are needed to find a way off the island. The plot involves a character arriving on the mysterious island of Quern with no memory of the past, passing through a gateway which thereafter self-destructs. The game was developed by four Hungarian graduate students, one of whom lives in the United Kingdom. Quern was released for Xbox One on April 24, 2020. Always disable your anti virus before extracting the game to prevent it from deleting the crack files.Quern – Undying Thoughts is an adventure video game by Zadbox Entertainment. Also, be sure to right click the exe and always select “Run as administrator” if you’re having problems saving the game. Look for a ‘HOW TO RUN GAME!!.txt’ file for more help.

You need these programs for the game to run. If you get any missing dll errors, make sure to look for a _Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install directx, vcredist and all other programs in that folder. NOTICE: This game is already pre-installed for you, meaning you don’t have to install it. Quern - Undying Thoughts is a first-person puzzle adventure game, inviting you on a journey to explore it and solve. Quern – Undying Thoughts (v1.2.0) Size: 3.15 GB It is the full version of the game. Don’t forget to run the game as administrator.

Quern – Undying Thoughts is a first-person puzzle adventure game, inviting you on a journey to explore it and solve its challenges. You hear the portal closing behind you as you take a step forward. You try to clear your vision and get on your feet after your arrival.